
Permanent Members consist of resident and non-resident Members including Ladies and Gentlemen having good social standing and status in the society.


Companies registered under the Companies Act 1956, Proprietorship or Partnership Firms, other forms of business organizations, Voluntary.

A Corporate Member are entitled to nominate not more than two persons not below the status of a covenanted officer or senior executive from their organisation as their representative who will be entitled to enjoy the facilities of the club and such nominations can be changed from time to time by notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary.
A Corporate Member can apply for more than two nominees to the club on payment of additional fees as applicable, at the time of application, to individual life member for every additional nomination subject to approval of the Committee.
A Corporate nominee member shall be treated at par with an individual member and club's rules as applicable to an individual member shall apply to them for all practical purposes.

A person who is temporarily employed or engaged on account of any assignment in Balasore or in Orissa may be admitted as member. Their membership shall not exceed for more than three years. The temporary membership cannot be renewed.
A temporary member shall cease to be the member of the club on expiry of his membership period. However, a temporary member can make an application along with prevailing fee for permanent membership of the club. His membership, if approved, shall commence immediately after the month in which his temporary member ship has expired.
The rights of Temporary members shall be limited. They will not have the privileges of attending & voting of club's meeting, serving in the committees or proposing or seconding new candidates of membership

Following class of the persons can be taken as the member of the club as per the prescribed procedure;

 Gazetted officers of Govt. of Orissa, Govt. of India or any other State or Union territory working.

 Sitting Member of Orissa Legislative Assembly or Parliament and persons/ officers in constitutional bodies, such as judiciary, commission etc., on tenure basis .

 Senior Official of Public Sector undertaking and autonomous bodies of Govt. of Orissa/ India.

 Retired Govt. servants with excellence in any creative field.

Persons of preeminence by virtue of their well defied positions in government and civic administration may be invited for membership with the approval of the executive committee to become ex-officio member, subject to their acceptance, without the usual admission procedure and without payment of entrance fees and monthly subscription fee, but shall pay any other fee charged by the club or charges for usages and consumption.

Following are the positions for Ex-Officio memberships;

 The Collector & District Magistrate, Balasore,
 D.I.G. of Police Eastern Range, Balasore
 Superintendent of Police, Balasore,
  Director of I.T.R., Chandipur
  Director of P.X.E., Chandipur,
  Superintendent of Police (Vigilance), Balasore,
  The District Judge, Balasore
  Asst. Commissioner, Central Exercise & Customs, Balasore.

This privilege will automatically cease when the persons vacates the concerned position.



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 The Membership of the club is by application.
  Every person desiring to become the member of the club, except for Honorary & Ex-Officio Member shall apply in the prescribed form duly proposed by one Member and seconded by another member of the club, both of whom the applicant must be known personally along with prevailing membership fee. Proposals without membership fee shall not be considered.
 The proposal so received, after the scrutiny by the Hon. Secretary and if found acceptable, shall be put on the notice board of the club at least two weeks in advance of the date of the committee meeting when the proposal shall be considered. For member's information and filing objection, if any.
 If three or more permanent members of the club object in writing against the admission, such application for Membership shall be rejected. Such objections in writing shall be kept confidential.
 If no objection is received, the same shall be placed before the committee for consideration. While considering the same, the committee shall discuss every aspects of the applicant before granting him the membership of the club. The committee may reject the application, if it think appropriate and in the best interest of the club without assigning any reason.
  The Hon. Secretary, if thinks necessary, may request the proposer to invite the applicant to the club for a personal interview before recommending to the committee.
 The Hon. Secretary, if thinks necessary, may constitute a screening committee consisting of permanent members of the club for screening the membership applications received by the club. The Committee shall advise the Hon. Secretary with their findings within a given time frame. The screening committee shall be of advisory nature which shall stand dissolved automatically on submission of their report or time period, whichever is earlier. The Executive Committee may accept or reject the recommendation of the screening committee. The Executive Committee, if so desires, may constitute a Membership Screening Committee permanently.
 The application for membership can be withdrawn before approval, in writing. In such case, the membership fee paid along with the application shall be refunded.
  If the applicant is not admitted, the Hon. Secretary shall inform the proposed of the same and refund the membership fee received with the application forthwith.
 An applicant whose application is rejected or whose name is withdrawn shall not again be proposed for admission to the club for a period of six months from the date of rejection or withdrawal.
  The final authority to approve the applications for membership lies with the committee only, whose decision shall be final.

 All cases the Membership shall commence from the date of approval by the Executive Committee, except in case of an Honorary Member & Ex-Officio Member, which shall commence from the date of acceptance of the offer extended by the Committee.
  In the case of Ex- officio members who are the committee of the club, the members shall commence from the date of their joining their respective official positions in Govt.
  Where, an application has been receive membership and put up on the Notice Bo the Hon. Secretary, if he thinks fit, may invite the applicant to visit the clubs until his application is considered and disposed off by the Committee. However, the prospective member visiting the club will not have any privilege of a member. Such member shall be required to either accompany his proposer or inform the manager of the club before entering the premises.

 Membership of the club is non-transferable.
 Individual membership can be converted to corporate category by application with fee as applicable to the corporate membership reduced by the fee of an individual member at the prevailing rate and subject the criteria and rules as followed for the admission of a corporate member. Such application shall be treated as a new application for all practical purposes.

 Applicants have to pay entrance/ membership fees prevailing at the time of application for the membership of the club.
 Entrance/ membership fee is non refundable and non-adjustable, except where the application for membership is rejected by the committee.
 Entrance/ membership fee is charged towards the infrastructure cost and cannot be construed with security deposit or any other deposit to the club. If a member leaves the membership of the club for whatsoever reason, entrance/membership fee is forfeited.

 The monthly subscription is charged from the members for the maintenance & upkeep of the common facility and to cover the fixed expenses of the club.
 The monthly subscription as applicable to all categories of member shall be payable as per the prevailing rates as fixed and revised by the committee from time to time.
 All programs of the club, where cost is involved for organizing the same, are normally chargeable to the attending members. The rates are fixed after considering the cost involved in the same and are informed in the program circular. However, the committee may decide to charge fixed cost for any or all programs and charge to member's account, irrespective of his attendance.
 The committee may decide to fix a minimum amount to be spent by the members of the club in club's food, beverages and sporting services etc., in a specific period.
 Some or all of the facilities of the club may be charged separately as may be fixed by the committee from time to time. The charges so fixed may either be on monthly or on usage basis.
 The committee may decide to charge any other fee or charges periodically, as they may think fit, on regular basis for short/long period to cover any specific or general cost or expenses.
 The monthly subscription is payable in advance. All other dues of the member shall be paid within the period prescribed by the committee.

 Each primary member shall be provided with a photo membership card upon submission of his photographs and membership profile as required by the club.

 Corporate membership card shall be issued to their nominees only with their photo graphs, which shall be surrendered upon change of nomination.

 If the card is lost, subsequent card shall be issued at such charges fixed from time to time upon application from the member concerned.

 The Membership Card shall be surrendered to the club upon cessation of the membership.

 Family members are allowed without guest fees. Wife, spouse, son(s) up to the entry age, un married daughter(s) of a member shall be treated as family members.

No person shall be allowed to the club unless introduced and accompanied by a member except otherwise permitted as under:

 Local Guests

 Local guest is a person who is introduced by a permanent member of the club and is staying within a radius of 50 KM of Balasore municipal area. Local guests are not permitted in the club's premises except to attend a club's program, in which such guests are specially permitted.

  Member's parents, own unmarried brother & sister up to the entry age and spouse's parents can attend the club as member's guest and avail any or all services without payment of guest fee However, in any program of the club where program fee is charged, quest fee shall be payable by them.

 Local guests can be permitted in a personal party or function hosted by the member for which prior permission has been obtained from the Hon. Secretary under club's rules. The member hosting the party or the function shall remain present through out and the movement of guests shall be restricted to the specified area.

 Outstation Guest

Out station guest is a person who is introduced by a permanent member of the club and is staying beyond a radius of 50 KM of Balasore municipal area. A member may introduce to the club an outstation guest on not more that twelve occasions during a calendar year.

 The name & address of the guests shall be entered in the book provided for the purpose. Every member introducing guests shall be responsible for their conduct and for their compliance of the Rules and Bye-laws of the club.

 Guests fees shall be paid by the introducer, which shall be charged in the concerned member's bill.

 A member of the affiliated club may visit the club as a guest member subject the club's rule. Such member need not accompany any local member provided he submits his identity card.

 Cessation of Membership

A member shall cease to be the member of the club in any of the following ways:

 On voluntary resignation addressed to the Hon. Secretary or on death of a member.

 On withdrawal of nomination by a corporate member.

 On expulsion by a vote of majority of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.

 On vacating the concerned office by a Member admitted in his ex-officio capacity.

 On removal of his name from the membership register of the club on account of negligence/ refusal in the payment of club dues as per the club's rule.

 On being found guilty of grave misconduct by the member or his guest.

 On being adjudged an insolvent by a competent court of law.

 On being convicted by a court for a criminal offense under any act or for involving in moral turpitude and his continuance as a member of the club is injurious for the atmosphere of the club.


 A member, who had resigned in good standing from the membership of the club in the past on his own and wishes to be readmitted, shall be treated as a new applicant, except that his application may be considered out of turn.

 A nominee of the corporate member can be readmitted upon re-nomination.

 A person ceased to be the member, by resolution of the Annual General Meeting or an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Club or terminated as per the clubs' rule shall never be considered for readmission as a member of the club.

 A member whose membership has been terminated due to non payment of club's dues only and wishes to be readmitted, on his application within six months of his termination, may be readmitted as a member, subject to approval of the committee, provided:

 He clears all his past dues, as claimed by the club, along with late fee, if any, up to the date of readmission, as if he was the member of the club.

 Submits an undertaking for making club's dues regularly

 Deposits caution money equivalent to one year monthly subscription along with additional amount/charges as may be decided by the committee and any other fee or charges for readmission, if any, on such terms and conditions as may be fixed & decided by the committee from time to time.

 Caution money so received can be adjusted against the monthly subscription only after one year of readmission, if there is no default by the member concerned during the one year.

 The readmission fee shall be not less than 10% of the prevailing fee applicable for the individual life/permanent member.If the membership of the club is closed, he can not be readmitted.

 A temporary member can not be readmitted under clauses above.


Membership Entrance Fee(Rs)
Corporate Membership Per Member 1,25,000/-
Life Membership 1,25,000/-
Long Term Temporary Membership 30,000/- (3 years validity)
Short Term Temporary Membership 20,000/- (1 year validity)
Govt. Employees (Presently serving or Retired) 30,000
Subscription(per month) Fees
Individual Rs. 350/-
Honorary Rs. 350/-
Ex-Officio Nil
Corporate,( for 2 nominations) Rs. 700/-
Outstation members Rs. 350/-

Corporate members will pay Rs. 400/- extra for every additional nomination.

For all categories Rs. 50/- each and for corporate minimum Rs. 100/- (if the number of nominations exceeds two, the charges shall be @ Rs. 50/- per nominations.

Temporary Members shall deposit caution money equivalent to one year of monthly subscription or Rs. 3000/-, which ever is higher, along with the entrance fee which shall be refunded at the end of the tenure of the membership or at the time of leaving the membership, which ever is earlier, after adjustment of club’s dues, if any.

Monthly bill shall be settled by 21st of the month in which presented. If the bill remains unpaid on 1“ of the following month in which it is presented, late fee of 2% of the outstanding amount or Rs. 100/-, per month, which ever is more, is charged in the bill of the next month on which it was presented.

Rs 25/- per day per guest, irrespective of their age.

Rs 25/- per member per day subject to production of identity card or an authorization letter from his club, the copy of which should have been faxed, emailed or couriered in advance to the dub. All other charges are same as charged to the general members of the club, which shall be paid in cash on presentation of the bill.

As per club’s published menu.

Rs. 5,000/- for Party with guests not exceeding 100 persons for three hours. If all the invitees are the members of the dub, the charges shall be nil. Expense on decoration etc. shall be charged extra at actual. These charges are subject to change from time to time. Please check the same with the club authorities before availing above services.