The club is affiliated to various clubs on reciprocal basis. It further intents to affiliate with other club including with clubs in foreign countries, provided the said clubs are of repute and after necessary Govt, and non Govt, clearance, if required, for the same are obtained.
The members of the club can enjoy the facilities in the affiliate club as per their club rules subject to restriction of the number of visits periodically. Facilities, charges rules etc.,vary from club to club.
Normally, a member of the club, who wishes to enjoy the facilities of an affiliate club, is required to produce his/her identity card and introduce himself/ herself and complete the formalities at the time of arrival at the affiliate club including payment of guest fee, if any.
Some clubs provide accommodation, at special rates/discounts to the members of their affiliate clubs. If a member is desirous of availing accommodation in an affiliate club, he is required to book in advance through the club (some clubs accept direct bookings). The member should approach the club office at least 15 days before his departure, which will send a letter/e-mail/fax to the concerned affiliated club requesting for the booking of accommodation for him. The member may require carrying a copy of such communication with him. Such request letter by the club is not a guarantee of accommodation.
A member before proceeding to an affiliate club should enquire from the club’s office about the rules and facilities of an affiliate club.
An up to date list of affiliate clubs is available with the club and is also annexed with this brochure which may change from time to time. The member should check from club authorities the updated list of affiliate clubs as and when required.
A member of an affiliate club can enjoy the facilities of the club as the Guest Member of the affiliate club subject to maximum of 4 visits in a month.
At the time of his entry the guest member shall produce an identity card issued to him by his club, enter his name, address, purpose of visiting Balasore or other detail as required along with his signature and deposit guest fee and advance if any.
A member guest will not be permitted be bring any guest with him.
General rules of the clubs including the code of conduct are applicable to him while in the club during the stay.
He shall settle all his charges in cash/ credit card only on presentation of the bill for consumption & usage of facility. Cheques and foreign currency will not be accepted.
If the purpose of the visit is to stay by availing accommodation, he shall deposit in advance the amount equivalent at least two days of room charges or if the stay is more than one day, the deposit shall be one day more than his expected day of stay. The accommodation shall be provided subject to availability and prior reservation through his club only.